Friday, Jun 14, 2019
Lately I’ve noticed something going on in me about how I feel living here in Ecuador. The lens I am seeing my surroundings in is changing, and I can’t say it is for the better. I am curious if this is a normal process for someone living here at the 3 and 1/2 year mark?
What I used to see and cherish as simple, humble, and endearing has changed to messy, impoverished, and irritating. A curious change I think. In truth, the only thing that has changed is me and my lens, because everything around me is exactly as it was when I arrived 3 and 1/2 years ago. I’m not panicking about this, or even really concerned. I’m more fascinated by what happens in the psyche and emotions of someone like me who lives abroad.
My View
I was driving with my friend Shawn to Salinas this week. To get there, we pass through five or six small pueblos located along the coastline. These small “cities” are a mess by any US standard. Houses and business buildings are mostly gray cinder block. Many exterior walls have some quantity of holes or degree of breakage in them. Upper floors remain unfinished with exposed re-bar protruding from concrete pillars.
Driving by the homes, most can be seen directly into because there is no glass or coverings on any of the windows. Inside there is often only one room, hammocks hung, a single light bulb dangling from the ceiling, some kind of kitchen sink or water source, and god only knows where the bathroom is.
Outside on the streets, dogs run wild chasing cars, including ours. Most look malnourished, some are covered with mange. This only adds to my sense of chaos and the dis-repaired state of things. Thoughts arrive in my mind like gray clouds blowing in and blocking the sun until I finally ask, “What in the fuck am I doing living here?”
I have no sense of panic or despair. It is more a question I am curious to understand. And it isn’t the question itself I am curious about. I am more curious about the change in my feelings. What happened? Why is it here now? How could something I viewed as so unique and tranquil now create a sense of irritation? The human condition is truly a bizarre thing. Isn’t it?
Otherwise this week, when I wasn’t pondering these questions, I was just doing what I have always been doing…working (a little) and enjoying myself (more). I’m lucky to have friends to visit and laugh with about the crazy things we encounter living in Ecuador. The experience has had its ups and downs but I still wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
Where else could I see a man push his food cart, complete with a table on top down the main road in town?
My time house sitting continues. As a result I have been able to speak a lot more Spanish with the people who help out around here. There is always someone coming or going who provides me with an opportunity to start a conversation.
One of the maintenance men is about my age. He has nine children…5 boys and 4 girls. He got married at 22 and has been married now for 36 years. He grew up in Curia (my favorite beach bar place on my beach walk to Olon). I can only imagine what Curia looked like 54 years ago; actually, it probably looked much the same as it does now.
At any rate it has been fun having conversations each morning with my new friend. Without hesitation I can say, this is something I do love about living here in Ecuador…connecting with the locals.
Hey Todd,
I’m moving to San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico in August. I’m semi-retiring. I’ve been a Special Education teacher for years and I’m sick of the paperwork that I have to deal with, so I’m calling it quits and moving. I’ll be a full-time volunteer with an organization that works with adults with disabilities and teaching with VIPKid to earn money to live on. I’ve been teaching with VIPKid for over two years now.
Anyways, that said, I’ve had a lot of people suggest that I start a BLOG. That’s where you come in. I am not great with computers and need some one to point me in the right direction. Like should I go to start a BLOG? About how much does a BLOG cost per-month? Etc….
I’ve enjoyed your BLOG and have learned from you and your adventures. Thanks for your work and time.
Tony Beck
Hey Tony,
Thanks for reading. Sounds like you are headed for an adventure. Very cool! As far as a blog goes, it is a great way to document your experience. Some questions you may want to ask yourself are: What is my purpose in writing a blog? Who is my audience I am speaking to? How often will I write a blog post?
As far as cost, there are really only two that have to be paid. One is for a domain name which costs $10-15 a year. I use . The other is your host, which is the server your blog actually “lives” at. I use In Motion Hosting and it costs $200 a year. As far as the blog itself, I use wordpress themes. Hundreds are free. If you want paid ones you can pay maybe $20-40 a year.
Hope this helps! If you want more info you can contact me at
Again, thanks for reading and good luck!
As you know, we have lived in a few different countries, and it seems from our own experience and those we’ve spoken to along the way, that 3-4 years seems to be a typical time frame for moving on. Also, for us, and for you it seems, making plans to move on (Colombia for you, Mexico for us) also changes the way we see things. It becomes a readiness to move on, with anticipation of good changes to come. We are coming up to 3 years in Mexico, and we see a difference in our feelings, in that we are not interested in moving on, as we were from Ecuador. More to see/do here, able to get more, easier to travel within and in/out of country, easier for people to visit us. Colourful. More history. So many different reasons to stay here. Wasn’t like that in Ecuador. You, too, have recently travelled and seen a different country, so perhaps you are ready to move on. Of course, everyone is different, but essentially, I think your thoughts are telling you it’s time.
Hey Janet, those all sound like good reasons to stay put and enjoy where you are. 🙂 I am in love with the beach and ocean here, AND so many more beaches to explore.
Thanks for your comments. 🙂