Sunday, Sep 4, 2016

On our route taking our landlords dog, Max, for a walk, Heidi stopped at the “frozen banana lady” to get some produce, and also a chocolate covered frozen banana. Chase and Easton jumped on that band wagon as well. I’ve never really liked a frozen banana, although I love bananas, so I passed. We passed the nursery where Heidi buys her plants and she reminded our boys they still need to get a lime tree for her birthday present that they promised.

Today isn’t going to be that day because I have Max to worry about, and between Chase and Easton, they are carrying produce. It’s a bit of a pain not having a vehicle in this situation. We will need to carry the small tree with its roots wrapped in plastic, also a plastic garbage bag full of dirt, and then a large pot to plant it in, so it’s going to take all of us carrying these things the two or three blocks to our place. I’ve thought about calling a Taxi, but that has its own challenges in getting the driver to let us put a tree with dirt in his car.

It was a warm, sunny late afternoon and we all walked to Mega Tienda to get groceries. Heidi needed flour so I grabbed a 6 kilo sack and threw it in the cart. These sacks are made out of all kinds of different patterned cloth material. There are patterns of plaid, shapes of circles, kid’s cartoon-like characters, and all kinds of colors. These big sacks of flour look like pillows. It makes me wonder if people stuff the sacks when the flour is gone and actually make a pillow out of it.

We had great colors in the sky at sunset tonight. Enjoy!

