Friday, June 17, 2016

I slept in until 8 am. It felt good to stay warm under our heavy alpaca blankets. Previous to 8am I had rolled over and Monte lifted his head and looked at me. “Not yet Monte”, I said and he just buried his head under his blanket. He likes to sleep too I’ve decided.

Rough day today mom and dad

Rough day today mom and dad

It was pouring rain on and off for most of the morning but by afternoon the rain had stopped and the sun peeked a couple of times from behind the clouds. Easton and I took Monte to the Vet for his shots and to have his nails trimmed. Before he got his shot the Vet gave him a check up which, besides listening to his heart, palpating his lymph nodes, checking his eyes and his gums, included a rectal temperature check. Poor Monte did not like that and looked at me like…WTF man? It isn’t right Monte, I know. He was a trooper.

We went on the hunt for a heater this afternoon and we found one! I’ve decided to go with a propane option. I think for how we are going to be using it, and the continuous airflow from gaps in our apartment, we can avoid potential asphyxiation by CO poisoning. Easton and I are going to hook it up tomorrow, so I expect warmth will return to my body then.

On the way home from the store we had a crazy cab ride. Since traffic was thick in the city we drove around the edge of it on the Autopista, which is the freeway here. So, this road is probably only 2 and 3/4 lanes wide, without any lines drawn for lanes, but it is driven as a 3 lane wide freeway. It is a constant jockeying for position, passing on the left, passing on the right, squeezing up the middle. To top it off, there are a couple roundabouts that pass through the autopista too.

Our cabbie was aggressive and drove fast. I was in the front seat and swore we lost paint on our sides a couple of times when he squeezed between vehicles. Heidi and Easton were in the back seat. I could tell when the ride was getting intense because all conversation stopped back there.

I have a confession, I liked the way the guy drove. Why? Because I have been known to drive like that myself. His driving didn’t bother me because I believed the guy knew what he was doing. Come on, he drives for a living. He has lots of experience, knows how his car handles, and his car in fact looked good, no external damage. These are all indicators to inspire confidence.

Heidi on the other hand was having a near death experience in the back seat. All I can conclude is that if she would have had the vantage point of the front seat as I had, she wouldn’t have survived the trip. Don’t you think she should consider being in the back seat as a blessing and just relax? I’m not sure she sees it as I do.

Anyway, we all arrived safely home, with our new heater, and the forecast is looking warm and toasty for us.
