Tuesday, Feb 9, 2016

Heidi and I went with Donna to the beach at her farm today. It’s been high tide and it has unearthed some primitive pottery shards and pieces on the beach that can be found when the tide pulls back out. On Sunday Don and Donna found several pieces and Donna invited Heidi and I along to take a look what we might find today.

The beach at their farm is so beautiful. It stretches for miles in both directions and there are so few people around. We walked along the rock strewn beach looking for pottery pieces mixed in the scattered beach rocks, and we found some! Heidi found the opening or rim of a some kind of jar. I am in awe that after hundreds, maybe thousands of years, these pieces of primitive culture still exist.

Primitive pottery rim of a bowl or jar

Primitive pottery rim of a bowl or jar

We have a museum in  Bahia that we haven’t been to yet. It is on our list of things to visit because it has many artifacts of the indigenous people that lived along the coast and interior of  Ecuador. In fact, so many artifacts that the museum no longer accepts these pieces as they are found.

We brought the pieces we found up on shore beyond the high water tide line so they can be looked at and appreciated by those passing by, and not pulled back into the ocean floor.

Primitive Pottery Pieces

Primitive Pottery Pieces

In Ecuador there are no alcohol sales allowed in the grocery stores on Sunday. The restaurants can sell alcohol with food until 10 pm. Well today is Tuesday and Easton and I went to the Tia to buy some beer. As we were carrying it to the check out, a store employee stopped us and said no alcohol sales could be made today.

It appears that because alcohol sales were allowed on Sunday this week for Carnaval, the grocery stores had to have a no alcohol sales day on another day. Tuesday was evidently the day. Dang.

Walking back home, Easton and I decided to stop in the H Bar and bring a baked good item home with us. Let me introduce Dave and Victoria to you. They are new friends we met last week. Dave is 31 and his wife Victoria is 28. They live on a sail boat and travel the continental coasts…North America, Central America, South America and the Caribbean.

They also are chefs, incredible bakers, and work at the H Bar making breads, desserts, quiche, and just damn good food. When we arrived we were thirsty and decided to have a quick beer. That’s when we learned that in order to get beer on this “Sunday”, we had to order food.

Dave makes these hot, crunchy-outside, soft-chewy inside, topped-with-rock-salt pretzel balls. We ordered those with a dijon something dipping sauce. Man are they good!

Dave and Victoria

Dave and Victoria

While we sat there, Dave and Victoria came and visited with us.

They are a fun, interesting, outgoing, and really talented couple. I like when my path crosses with these types of people. It just adds texture to the experience I am having. I’m so happy we are here in Ecuador.
