Monday, Aug 29, 2016

I sat at my computer writing an article to submit for GringoTree, and drafting articles for my Men’s Life Coaching blog. I’m fortunate because my desk sits in front of large window that looks out over the Yanuncay river. The area in front of the river is an un-groomed trail with tall green grass. When the sun shines it is really quite beautiful to look at.

My window is also a source for observing human behavior in the comings and goings of people. On the other side of the river are futbol (soccer) fields, and during the weekend games are being played throughout the day. There is also a lot of drinking and I don’t think Ecuadorians can hold their liquor well.

On Saturday I watched two men try to walk on the exposed river rock to cross the river . They weren’t successful and both fell in the river and were soaked. The water level is very low and the flow rate is very slow right now, so there isn’t a chance anyone would drown. They crawled out on my side of the river laughing and then both fell down on the grass and laid there for a bit.

I didn’t know they were drunk until they stood up and tried walking. They both were stumbling and weaving and holding onto each other. They were also laughing the whole time which made me laugh too. I did get a bit concerned when they tried to cross the busy road in front of this area, but they made it.

On Sunday I watched a young adult guy seriously drunk come walking down the path beside the river. It looked like his dad was with him who was walking further ahead of him. This guy was seriously stumbling while he was walking. Then he unzips his pants and started peeing while he was stumbling along walking. Peeing outdoors is a routine cultural phenomenon here, it just usually happens against a tree.

Anyway, the guy passes out in the tall grass and his dad leaves him there. I saw the guy in the grass sit up twice during the hour, look around, then pass out again. His dad later came back, smacked him on the head, then the guy struggled to get up and stumbled off with his dad.

In addition to public drunkenness, I get to watch indigenous woman in colorful clothing cut the tall grass and fill their large sacks. When they are done they throw the sack on their back and carry it home to feed their livestock. There is also a man who brings his horses, and a farmer who sometimes brings a cow, to eat in the field for the day. This would never happen in the US. The path that runs along my river view is also filled with bikers, runners, and walkers throughout the day.


20160829_152446Heidi made a great dinner tonight. Spinach and cheese stuffed chicken breast and chocolate bread pudding for desert. If nothing else, I am eating well in Ecuador!







