Sunday, Jul 10, 2016
It’ s been a very relaxing Sunday. The three of us met Scott and Colleen for brunch at the Ventura Cafe. It is decorated with colorful posters of old Hollywood films and black and whites of the actors. The food was all delicious, and I believe some of the menu items were traditional Russian dishes. My only critique was that the portions were small so when we finished we were still hungry. We each ordered a fruit blintz for dessert and that seemed to top us off pretty well.
There were two more after shocks around 9 pm in Bahia. The first was M5.9 and the second was M6.4, which was the largest aftershock since the original M7.8 quake. According to one of our friends there, it was a big enough shake to cause people to run out into the streets. I believe one of the schools they are repairing was supposed to open tomorrow. It will be interesting to find out if they do now.
There were a few people in Cuenca who reported feeling the aftershocks here as well. In our building we didn’t feel a thing, which we are all grateful for. Those were big aftershocks and it’s hard for me to get my head around the fact at almost 3 months out they are still happening. That is a lot of stress for people living there to live in for this amount of time.
Easton’s foot is still behaving weird but all in all we are doing well. Looking forward to the week ahead.
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