Friday, Oct 26, 2018

Santa Maria Orphanage

The big event this week was the annual fund raiser for the Santa Maria orphanage in Olon. This year the kids living at the orphanage provided entertainment for those who attended. I found them to be amazing in both ability and spirit. They danced, sang, and played musical instruments throughout the evening.

Dancing and Singing Abound

These kids have worked hard all year practicing dance routines, learning to sing cool songs, becoming skilled playing a piano or a guitar. What was even better than the demonstration of their hard work was the joy and happiness on their faces as they showed the audience what they could do. The kids at the Santa Maria orphanage rock!

Construction Destruction

Construction is happening at and around where I live. My quiet oasis has become a temporary construction site. Apartments are being built above me, foundations ripped out next to me, and roofs redone across from me. Almost in every direction I look I see and hear workman hammering, shoveling, and carrying things. Thank God I have the ocean view. So far, no construction in that direction.

From my dining table I have watched the tear off and rebuild of a roof on the house next door. Even the roof trusses were replaced. The crew consists of five men…four working and one watching the others work. It reminds me of roadside highway work in the US.

I do love the ingenuity of the people here. Instead of a fancy belt with a pouch for nails, these guys use half of a 2 liter plastic soda bottle. They cut the plastic bottle in half, close the screw cap lid, put a couple of holes in the plastic and connect the holes with a string. Voila!…a handy nail dispenser that can hang around their necks. Ingenious.

Sunny Montanita

I enjoyed two days of sunshine this week. Man did I need it. Montanita just looks better in the sunshine. The colors of the vendors booths and the beach umbrellas just make it feel like a party.

Have a great weekend everyone!
