Monday, Oct 24, 2016

It’s an absolutely gorgeous, warm day in Cuenca! I walked to get my haircut this morning in full on sunshine and heat. My favorite thing. When I arrived the guy I made an appointment with was waiting for me.

His name is Carlos and he doesn’t speak a stitch of English. He apologized to me for what happened on Saturday and I told him it was no problem. As is usually the case for me when I know I am going to be attempting conversation, I begin with “Solo hablo un poco espanol”, I only speak a little Spanish. Then we begin from there.

He asked me how I knew about him and wanted him to cut my hair. In my best broken, limited vocabulary Spanish, I explained while I sat here on Saturday I watched how he cut hair and I liked how it looked when he was done. He told me thank you.

It really is amazing how we, as people, can piece together an idea from someone when only using limited words, which is what I was doing. Anyway, he did a great job and this is the best haircut I have had in Ecuador. Well worth the wait after Saturday’s fiasco.

Chase is going to the States November 11th for a week. When he leaves the country he will be on day 89 of his 90 day passport allowance here. So today we met with a lawyer to help expedite an additional six months on a tourist visa. If we do it ourselves we can’t even get an appointment at the Immigration office until November 21st.

sunshine on my shoulders

Can you sing “Sunshine on My Shoulders”?

Before we met with the lawyer we ate lunch at Eats and Treats on the hill on Benigno Malo. The sun was shining, we had a table outside, and there was a woman singing and playing her guitar not to far from us. It’s for moments like these I live in Ecuador.

We ordered their almuerzo and it was some of the best chicken I have had in Cuenca. While we were eating lunch in the sunshine Pam and Eddy walked by, and they sat with us for a visit. They had just come from lunch at Sunrise Cafe…fish and chips.

Pam told us that this location has changed hands three times now. This is a common and unfortunate situation here. Restaurants are constantly starting and going out of business. And the places that have excellent food can’t draw enough clientele outside of lunchtime almuerzos to stay in business long term. I hope these guys can stay around because their food is good.

Chase met with the attorney and is scheduled to go to the Immigration office with her Wednesday morning at 7 am. He will need to be up at first light. This is his penalty for waiting too long to take care of his visa. 😉 The attorney told Chase it will be done and ready to go by Nov  3rd or 4th. Fingers crossed.

By evening we were having a thunderstorm. The sunshine had been replaced by dark thunder clouds. This is the weather pattern right now in Cuenca. The days begin warm and sunny, and by late afternoon the clouds roll in and the downpour begins around 6 pm. It’s kind of fun.
