Saturday, Mar 26, 2016
It has been a full day! And it’s been all about relaxation!!
Our morning started off by going to the park to visit the once monthly arts, crafts, and food fair. It is almost all expats, and the vendors are mostly expats. It was a very small turnout in both vendors and shoppers but it’s fun to visit.
We met an expat couple who have been here for 11 years. They are the longest expats in Ecuador I have met so far. They sailed in on a sailboat from San Diego and basically never left. They have traveled the world too and it was fun listening to their stories.
Heidi bought a spoon holder to leave on our kitchen counter top from Dwayne, our local pottery expat. He does a great job and has a bunch of different types of pottery from bowls to cups to candle holders to shot glasses (my personal favorite ;-P).
There is a young girl, Laurie-Ann, who helps the stray dog situation here in Bahia. She sells cookies and uses the proceeds to buy food and medicine for the dogs. She is arranging a free sterilization clinic to help stop the stray problem. There are sooooo many stray dogs here!
After the park we mozied on over to Fika’s for coffee and breakfast. I had a killer Breakfast sandwich…egg, bacon, melted cheese, sautéed onion and peppers, with a bit of hot sauce. Delicioso!
After breakfast (which was now after 12 pm), Easton and I headed over to the pool at Dos Hemisferios and swam with some of the friends we were with at the park and Fika’s. More people showed up and it was a fun time staying cool in the pool.
Where was Heidi? Oh, she was spent from the heat when we were out and about, so she cooled down in the AC. When she felt like she wasn’t going to melt, she made bread for our building manager’s family for Easter.
Last night was Good Friday and the Catholics set up the stations of the cross all throughout town, then they followed a procession to each station. I found it really cool to watch. Here is some video in front of my place, at station 8.
So, Saturday night is a big party time here. There is live music and lots of people on the street. The music is loud too. Even inside our place it sounds like we have the mini boom going.
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Always enjoy your posts, they are so different from our lives. Don’t ever quit writing. Say hi to Easton for me. Today I remember his name.
Lol…sounds like a good day Gayla 😉