Wednesday, Mar 16, 2016

We had a good rain through the night that continued well into the day. Easton and I got to work out in the rain this morning and it made things cooler for us. Normally we are drenched from sweat anyway, so being wet really isn’t a big deal.

I spent the better part of the morning studying Spanish. It is not going to happen on its own and I need to dig in. Progress is being made but it feels slow. Easton is doing the best and it is fun to watch him when he converses with the locals. We will all get it and it is going to take longer than I thought!

We had drinks at H bar this afternoon and ran into Roy and Melody who are friends of ours. They were sitting with a new couple we got to meet, Donna and Ross, who are living 30 minutes away in San Clemente. That is the place I thought we would end up living in, but it lacks some of the conveniences Bahia offers that I have come to enjoy. It was a fun conversation…and a nice break after Spanish class!

I still have moments of second guessing myself about moving and living here. I am however feeling better able to manage my fearful thoughts and feelings around that.  There are still things up in the air…where will we actually land and settle in at, what is my online business going to look like, when will I get back into my life coaching practice? These things are important to me and they each present different kinds of challenges to make happen.

What I have come to realize is that everything has its own time. I get stressed when I am pressuring myself to make things happen now, happen faster. When things are not moving at the pace I think they should I can develop harsh judgments about myself. Doing that makes no sense; I wouldn’t make judgments like that towards anyone else.

I have time. That is the great gift in moving here. The energy of this town allows space to create, to think, to write, and to be. I guess it is this space that allows me to deal with thoughts and feelings that would try to bring fear into my mind and body. Like a few clouds in a clear sky, they get thinned by the open space and disappear.
