Friday, Jun 22, 2018
What A Dollar Can Buy
I bought 50 limes for $1 again this week. What a great deal! The season is coming to an end though. It won’t be too many more weeks before it moves to 20 for $1, then 10, then 6 for one dollar. Last year that was where it peaked.
Since I have become a fresh squeezed lime and water junkie over the last few months, I decided to stock up. I have frozen several zip lock baggies filled with fresh squeezed lime juice. Hopefully I will avoid or at least postpone the 6 limes for $1 experience in the coming months. It is just hard for me to pay that when I know how many I can get for the same $1 in season.
I Read Your Blog
I met a couple of men this week who adventured to Ecuador to check this place out. One of them reads my blog, so it was only right of me to make time with these guys to enjoy a cerveza…or two. Bill and Darryel are two crazy friends who came here to find Ecuadorian wives. I’m just kidding…kinda. 😉
It’s great when I get to meet people who have been reading my rants, raves, reviews, and reflections of what it is like for me living here. The world seems like a very small place when I get these opportunities to sit down face to face with people who are otherwise thousands of miles away. I’m amazed what a blog can do as far as putting me in the paths of people I would never have met otherwise. Kinda’ cool huh?
My beach walks have been quiet. With the overcast skies, there aren’t too many people out and about on the beach. There are of course fisherman launching their boats into the crashing surf, headed out to make their catch for the day. This is a constant no matter what the weather.
It is comforting to me in an odd way watching this. I think it is the simplicity I appreciate. It is just a basic wood boat being rolled across the beach and pushed into the pounding surf by only the muscle of the men who will be fishing in it. No fancy devices or equipment needed. The world could go dark and these men and their families would never starve.
Beach Life
The other constant on the beach is seeing vultures waiting for something to show up for dinner. This group of vultures (actually called a committee) had me a bit nervous. I hoped I wasn’t the meal they were waiting for. Did you know that a group of feeding vultures is called a “wake”. Hmmmm.
The sun has been out twice this week, and I am grateful. This was my beach shot as I had a cerveza at my favorite, and the only, beach bar in Curia.
And this is the only sunset I have seen in nearly three weeks. Gotta love the winter here. 🙂
I am in the process of changing the appearance of my blog. Hopefully by next week it will be finished.
I’m really in awe that you got to connect with your blog buddies! What an interesting world we live in 🙂
Print seems a lot lighter, smaller and hard to read for us old folks,
I’m not done fixing things, and thanks for that! I’ll see what I can do. 🙂
Thank you Todd for helping Billy and I out with the taxi and hanging out with us and the mention in your blog!! We really enjoyed our time in Ecuador and hated to leave! Made many friends and many memories!!!
I was happy to meet you both Darryel. Thank you for buying the beer! 🙂