Tuesday, Jul 12, 2016

Heidi and I went to the farmer’s market this afternoon to stock up on fruits and vegetables. It was at Feria Libre, and the last time we were here it was on a Wednesday. There were vendors and people sprawled out for blocks. I guess Wednesday and Saturdays are the big days for all the vendors to show up.

Since today is Tuesday it was a much calmer experience shopping here. It is still big, but not out-of-control crazy, constantly bumping into people in the crowd. The fresh farmer’s markets are one of the things I enjoy most about living in Ecuador. I love the myriad of colors all mixed in together. It is fun speaking with the vendors as best I can as well.20160712_152108

When we got back home Heidi made some banana-zucchini bread from what we bought at the market. It was a great dessert for us after dinner. I also like the color the fruits add to our kitchen. It just looks and feels healthy.20160713_073856

20160713_073843We decided to try a new fruit that looks similar to a papaya. It’s called a babaco and is supposed to taste like a mix of strawberry, kiwi, and papaya. It is the large yellow fruit with ridges in the basket in the above picture.

My older son Chase is traveling through Brazil right now. He and some of his friends from the Peace Corp are making their way to Rio to volunteer for the summer Olympics. So far he has traveled by bus, boat, and plane and still has another week before arriving in Rio. My younger son Easton will meet him in Rio as he arrives. Here are some pics Chase shared with us.

Sleeping quarters on 4 day boat ride

Sleeping quarters on 4 day boat ride

Head to toe

Head to toe

Recife, Brazil

Recife, Brazil

Belem, Brazil

Belem, Brazil

Belem, Brazil

Belem, Brazil
