Sunday, June 5, 2016

When I woke up I opened the window shades in my bedroom. I could see the mare and her colt grazing in the small pasture next to our manicured yard. I went and made some French press coffee for me and Heidi, and when I came back into the room I saw an Ecuadorian woman dressed in indigenous Andes clothing milking a cow in the next pasture over. It was a cool site and I tried to get a picture through the window but it was distorted. I bet she will be milking that cow tomorrow and I can go outside and get her picture.

We don’t live in the country, but this particular area still has a few green fields and they surround our small three story building. Bordering the far edges of the fields are tall modern condo buildings with big red and white signs hanging on their brick exteriors advertising RENTALS AVAILABLE with phone numbers in big black letters. I like living in our lush oasis.

We left our apartment to go grocery shopping. We walked to our nearest grocery store which took about 15 minutes. We were exploring along the way trying to find tiendas and other small stores we might need that are close to us. At least on this route, there really isn’t much available.

We were hoping to find a restaurant for breakfast on our walk before we got to the grocery store. That didn’t happen so we decided to grab a cab and go to San Sebas in El Centro for breakfast and then grocery shop. After I ate my fresh strawberry pancakes and eggs, we made our way to Supermaxi.

This grocery store chain is the largest supermarket in Ecuador. I like it because it has the most variety of any grocery outlet, but the prices are higher for produce, eggs, and other items I can get at the local farmer’s market. Since we have moved we will need to find the farmer’s market that is closest to us now. I have a feeling it won’t be within walking distance…time to learn the bus schedule!

Heidi and Easton outside our new place

Heidi and Easton outside our new place

Foyer of our building

Foyer of our building

I like walking into our new place. The outside entrance is lined with plants, the inside foyer has a credenza with some photos of the building owner’s family as well as a beautiful leather riding saddle, bridles and other horse items as decor. The stairwell is lined with art and it just seems like an interesting place to be.
